Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why the United States joined WW1

During World War 1, there were multiple countries that formed and agreed to be allies with other countries. These allies are called the Central Powers which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungagry, and the Ottoman Empire. The other allies are called the Triple Entente, but they were mostly known as the Allies which are the France, British, and Russia. Did you noticed that the United States was not in any of these allies? Well it is because America did not want to have anything to do with the war which was the most interesting part of World War 1. Americans did not really see any reason to join the war because it is 3000 miles away and it did not threaten the lives or property of America.

World War 1 was important because we mostly learned a lot from it when it comes to war, how back then everything required manual labor. Unlike now in the present, we have advance technology where we can send drones to do the work needed, compare to World War 1 where soldiers used trenches to take cover. After World War 1 the results were the Allies won against the Central Powers. The United States ensured the Allied paid off their debts to the United States and prevent the Germans from threatening U.S. shipping.

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