Thursday, January 15, 2015


Throughout the years there are multiple people that know who was responsible for World War II who killed a total of 6 million Jews, civilians, and caused a big casualty in Europe, Adolf Hitler of Germany. But did you know that there are more than one dictator in WW2 besides Hitler

Adolf Hitler,Joseph Stalin,Benito Mussolini on the right.
Benito Mussolini was from Italy, Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union or Russia, and Adolf Hitler fromGermany were the three dictators of WWII during September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. These three dictators gained power where they converted their country as totalitarian regime or a single person has absolute rule of the government and country. This did not last because their nation failed to prove its worth. 

Both Hitler and Mussolini believed in fascism, a single person rule over a nation, nationalism or belief of superior culture, powerful government to controlled private property, and were anticommunist; Joseph Stalin was a communist who wanted to equalize  wealth between people that means no private property only state ownership. Despite their differences, they crushed all of the oppositions before them in their nation to achieve their totalitarianism regime. Despite of the many dictators in WWII, Adolf Hitler stood out the most to cause to remember how he and the Nazi known as Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers' Party, took control of Germany despite of Germany was in a state of Great Depression.

Before Hitler began his conquest had the advantage of attacking nations due to the position of Germany in the middle of Europe. First a was Austria, where Hitler was able to convince the German people of Austria to join with Germany. On March 12, 1938, Germany was able to conquered Austria without any war only a welcome party from Austria.

3: In Munich, Germany on September 30, 1938, Hitler told the French president and British prime minister that the Sudetenland would be his "last territorial demand." The French and British leaders agreed with Hitler's demand, so all three of them signed the Munch Agreement and Sudetenland goes to Germany without a war.

In spring of 1939, Poland, Hitler also began propaganda of Poland attacking the Poland German. On August 23, 1939, Germany and Stalin signed the nonaggression pact and secret pact to divide Poland between them.  September 1, 1939, the German Luftwaffe of German air force bombed Poland to test a new strategy called blitzkrieg or lightning war with the main purpose: surprise attack, then executed quickly with overwhelming force. 
7: September 3, 1939, World War II had begun.

 The 18 European countries that the Nazi invaded were Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, France, Denmark, the Netherlands (Holland), Belgium, and Soviet Union. World War II could have been prevented if the League of Nations was effective which is to prevent world war.   

 The League of Nations tried to appease with Germany and Italy from militarizing by giving Hitler and Mussolini their demands,but the appeasement did not worked since Germany and Italy kept invading nations. Russia made Hitler and Germany sign the nonaggression pact since Hitler believed he could invade European countries without any worry. Even though WWII begun, America still isolate itself from the world until the war came to America.

America was terrified from the many deaths of WWI, so America wanted isolationism, the act of isolating itself from the world war. This lasted until December 7, 1941, where Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This forced America to join WW2.         


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Public Education & Inequality

The reason that public school was created in the United States was to train student as they grow up since the U.S. depended on science and technology. With this, it provided training for better jobs which was one of the important key to a stable and prosperous nation. Education not only provided financial security and social class it also assimilated millions of incoming immigrants.

Not only there were multiple benefits from it, but also it had some problems. These problems were during the first public school, it was only 4 months long of school since students were mistreated by their teachers. 

Years passed by after the first public school started, conditions started to change by providing child care for parents. More importantly it took kids away from working in factories where they needed to learn how to read, write, and lastly understand math. These school were known for being unequal where colored students had different opportunities. In these schools white students have 62% chance of actually attending the school itself, compare to colored students with 34%. Not only Americans or colored people were encourage to learn, but also Europeans, where schools replaced native language with English. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why the United States joined WW1

During World War 1, there were multiple countries that formed and agreed to be allies with other countries. These allies are called the Central Powers which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungagry, and the Ottoman Empire. The other allies are called the Triple Entente, but they were mostly known as the Allies which are the France, British, and Russia. Did you noticed that the United States was not in any of these allies? Well it is because America did not want to have anything to do with the war which was the most interesting part of World War 1. Americans did not really see any reason to join the war because it is 3000 miles away and it did not threaten the lives or property of America.

World War 1 was important because we mostly learned a lot from it when it comes to war, how back then everything required manual labor. Unlike now in the present, we have advance technology where we can send drones to do the work needed, compare to World War 1 where soldiers used trenches to take cover. After World War 1 the results were the Allies won against the Central Powers. The United States ensured the Allied paid off their debts to the United States and prevent the Germans from threatening U.S. shipping.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Abusing Chickens We Eat

All over America their are multiple factories that are processing chicken meat. One we'll know farm is located in Salisbury, Maryland called Perdue, where they process chicken and annually sells $6 billion worth of chickens. This company was founded during 1920s where a married couple who has been keeping flocks of chicken. Later  they started selling eggs around 1925 and decided to start selling chicks to farmers rather than eggs for humans to consume.  Untill now, Perdue is one of the third-largest American producers of broilers where they roughly produce 59,320,000 pounds of broilers that are ready to cook.

"Cage Free Chickens"
The article Abusing Chickens We Eat by author, Nicholas Kristof from The New York Times argues that chicken that are being sold in stores are mistreated where chickens are supposedly raised caged free and sometimes humanely raised, but is this true? Kristof Farmer Craig Watts have  raised a total of 720,000 chickens are per year for Perdue, where he watched a video of how Perdue chickens were raised, these chickens have lost their feathers, also have raw, angry, red flesh. 

"U.S.D.A. Is the accomplice of Perdue in the fooling of consumers. " This quote is significant due to the fact that the USDA is a major agency that inspects our food to ensure the safety of the American public, but in this article the USDA failed to do their job by ensuring that these chickens are raised "cage free" where egg-laying chickens are caged. Lastly, these chickens are crammed tightly in barns where each of these chickens get two-thirds of a square foot. 

In my opinion after reading this article, I believe that the author's argument will change my behavior when it come to buying chickens in the market. One way I can do this is by checking whether the chickens are raised caged free.  

Free Range Chicken

Friday, December 19, 2014

Food Inc: The truth Behind Chicken Nuggets and Cheeseburger

As you walk in McDonalds, do you ever wonder which toy you would get after receiving your happy meal given by the lovely cashier who sees you every Friday with your mom because she wanted to reward you with your good behavior.  Throughout the times you walked in that restaurant, do you wonder what your chicken nuggets and cheeseburger was before you see it packed in a box or wrapped?

In the documentary film Food Inc., viewers were shown how food such as meat and poultry are truly processed before it even gets to what we see as chicken nuggets or cheeseburger. Also how the government is mostly controlling most of it. 

During 1950 the first McDonald's was completely different from what we are used to now, it was first a restaurant where foods were serve by worker on a roller skates. Until one day the McDonald brothers decided to save money by firing all of their employees and switch to a factory process which was later on adopted by other restaurants. 

With this process, workers were paid lower which meant there was not much workers needed. This new process helped the McDonald brothers by making multiple amounts of money while the food cost less. The made McDonald's one of the riches company during the changes in 1950. This resulted McDonald's supplier to become rich and bigger. As of now four companies now owns 80% of beef business here in the United States. 

Today, multiple companies out there are misleading people their products based on the name and labels they put, these products are meat and dairy. We, buyers are mislead because these companies have a nice picture of an animal or a red barn. We think that these animals are living in a clean environment, but most of these animals are raised in factories where they don't have any freedom to walk around.  One example of a company that is misleading us is Tyson Chicken company. This company genetically enhance chicken's breast by injecting hormones into them which makes them grow quicker. In the documentary, it stated that these chickens fully grow in 49 days compare to 6-8 weeks. But Tyson company does not want any of us to know what the truth is on how these chickens are raised. 

Do you want to know what these chickens or cows are eating in a daily basis? About 30% of the United States land are used to grown corn, but did you know that our government is paying farmers to over produce and use the extra corn to feed the animals which makes corn a dominant crop? You'll mostly see corn on mostly everything you eat nowadays such as chips, ketchup, cheese, and also battery! With this dominant crop it might be a good thing, but is it? Cattle and other animals are supposed to be eating grass instead of corn, one of the major problem that has emerged as a result of feeding corn to these animals mostly cattle is called E. COLI 0157:H7 which is an acid resistant that makes you sick for weeks and life threatening disease. 

One of the major consequence of this deadly disease is a young kid's live was taken away from him by the name of Kevin Kowalcyk where he ate a ground beef from a restaurant that could be McDonald's or Burger King which was contaminated with E.COLI 0157:H7. Who do you think was responsible for Kevin's death? The government should be responsible for his death by making sure that the U.S. Department of Agriculture were processing meat that does not contain any diseases. After Kevin's death the government decided to add additives in some meat to prevent E. COLI called pink slime which contains ammonia. 

Most of us does not know what the food we eat everyday such as poultry or meat go through before we see them wrapped as a burger or on a packaging. But do you wonder why in every fast food restaurant there is a dollar menu or something similar to that? Well these companies get their meat in a low-cost because it is not pure beef as we think it is. They get it from a factory that adds other parts of meat into it which makes them cheap. Companies believe that with this process, they will be able to produce food quicker in a safe, clean environment. 

Farmer, Joel Saladin strongly disagree with this process, he believes that every animal should be raised in a open, sanitized, unclosed environment before they are slaughtered. Compare to factories, chickens are raised their factories where the living conditions are poor and covered. Also, Saladin stated that these chickens go through chlorine after they have been slaughtered while the chickens that goes through his company does not. Lastly, factories mostly get their workers from other countries such as Mexico where workers are in need of a job. Workers are provided with jobs but as soon as the company meets its demands, they start letting this workers go by deporting them back to Mexico. 

Workers that previously worked in these factories are highly upset due to this companies promising them a job where they would get multiple great benefits. But this industrial food companies are dishonest or misleading because they are putting the environment, society in harm and lastly health cost. But we cannot do anything about it due to this food corporations protected by laws where representatives choose to protect the company rather than the consuming citizens. 

Friday, November 21, 2014


tycoon is person that has wealth and power in a business industry. Mostly tycoons were not born to be successful due to them facing multiple struggles, but as they grow up they came up with strategies that made them who they are, a tycoon.

Tycoon's main strategy is to use their own power which is wealth. With wealth they were able control their workers by forcing them to work multiple hours which eliminated competition against other companies.

Robber baron later established monopolies which raise prices of products compare to regular prices this resulted workers wages to reduce.

Social Darwinism is the theory of survival and succes of the most capable people where being poor was a sign of being lazy or inferior and deriving of poverty. Also where God maded them as they are and they should stay like that. This theory was mostly favored by American billioners because they believed that they would no longer have to work and restrict any profit.
Source John D. Rockefeller was a famous monopolies

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Passive House Poem


Source A 3D section view of a passive house 

Passive houses is probably the most Eco-friendly houses to date.
Where you will mostly see them upstate. 

Passive house will save you multiple amounts of money in energy. 
Even though we are living in the 21st century. 

So do yourself a favor. 
Be a life saver. 

A deep description of a basic passive house